Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lights - Camera - Incentive!

I just read an exciting piece of news about the film industry in Mississippi.  According to the Mississippi Business Journal, the state's cash rebate program has been expanded by a new bill, just signed by Gov. Haley Barbour.  The legislation includes a 25-30% rebate on cast and crew payrolls, with caps of $8Million per project and $20Million per year.  That's a lot of incentive, I think, to get some cameras rolling in Natchez!
We've done it many times before, with Huckleberry Finn (twice that I know of), Freedom Road, North & South (both I and II), and Beulah Land, to name those that come to the top of my head, plus a few TV shows and music videos.
It would be great to have another movie production company in town with all that new money, but there's another cool part to this expansion; the program is expanded to include streaming video and internet delivery as qualified distribution!  That means that someone local could produce a YouTube-type video and get a cash rebate!  Did I read that wrong?  I don't think so.  To quote the article, "animation, 3D applications, video game cinematics, visual effects and motion capture within the fields of feature film, television, commercials and games, were added as qualified production."
According to this, the Natchez Convention and Visitors Bureau could produce a TV or internet commercial and get a big rebate, further stretching their advertising dollars.  Local TV/Video advertising companies were already able to take advantage of these rebates, but now even more so.
By the way, apparently the 30% rebate is reserved for folks using Mississippi locals, so that's a great incentive to use local folks in your videos, and a great way for local actors to make a little extra cash.
Read the Mississippi Business Journal Article to get more information about the state rebate program.
Meanwhile, I'm ready for my close-up, Ms Durkin...

And don't forget to check out periodically to see places to stay, things to do, and where to dine in Natchez, Mississippi!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hoopskirts, Greek Columns, and Antiques, Oh My!

It would be great if I could just describe some of the historical wonders you'll see during Spring Pilgrimage in Natchez, and have you convinced that immediate reservations were in order.  For most of you, however, those descriptions would just make your eyes glaze over.
Looking up at Longwood
Until you're standing next to the gigantic Greek columns of Stanton Hall feeling small and completely awed, or looking up 4 floors into the unfinished rafters of Longwood, or trying to figure out how the wondrously unsupported spiral staircase of Auburn holds weight...until you're actually there, it's hard to understand.  Most historic places of any significance are like that, I think.
But history is only a part of the reason folks travel by the hundreds to Natchez during this season.  Yes, the gardens are beautiful, and the townfolk hospitable, but there's even more.
Downtown Shopping
Like to eat?  Step out the door of your B&B or hotel room and you're probably just a few steps away from rich cuisine of some sort.  And what do you want?  Barbecue?  Fried Catfish?  Sure, we've got plenty and you're welcome to it.  How about some fine, white-tablecloth dining with a great wine list?  Yes, we have that, too.  Surprised?  You shouldn't be.  If you're in a group of 20 Natchezians, most likely one or two of them are world class chefs.  No brag, just fact.
Like to shop?  Natchez has been voted one of the very best places to shop in Mississippi, even in the South.  You may never have seen so many really great antiques shops in one place.  I'm not talking curios and flea markets, but yes, we have those, too.  There are book stores, coffee shops, gift shops, clothing, and fine art shops lining Main Street, Franklin Street, and most of the cross streets between the two.
Kids take part in the Natchez Pageant
Want to see a show?  Take your choice; a Gospel choir freeing you from the chains of slavery; a Pageant that dances and sings its way through the different eras of Natchez history; or stage comedians spoofing Pilgrimage itself.  Something about the folks here, we just love to entertain.
But the part you may enjoy the most?  Simply walking to the edge of the bluff, looking out over the magnificent Mississippi River some 150 feet below, and catching sight of one of the most breathtaking sunsets imaginable.
Sunset on the Mississippi
So, did my descriptions get you thinking about it, at least?  Check out's pages full of Attractions, Shopping, Restaurants, Hotels, and Bed & Breakfasts, then come on down and spend a few days with us, especially during Spring Pilgrimage.  Chances are, you'll find a lot more to excite you than just a few historical wonders.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Feathers, Females, and Fun!

This blog entry is supposed to be about Mardi Gras time in Natchez, Mississippi, but in going through my photos of Mardi Gras past, I find that practically all of them are of females having fun!  They're throwing beads, dancing, smiling, watching parades..and acting downright queenly.
Now, if you don't think you can have just bunches of fun at Mardi Gras in a small town, just look at these pictures and be convinced.
Two big parades come through town  - one of them's a night parade with lights all over the floats.  It's a sight to behold!  Floats of all kinds, marching bands, trucks and cars full of folks throwin' wampum, just about anything that can keep up with the rest of the parade.
We show a schedule of the parades - and other Mardi Gras events - on the home page of
We have Call Out Balls, Grand Balls, After-Parade Parties, and lots and lots of bead-throwin', balcony-stompin', music-blarin' good times, with men and women dressed to the nines and dancing like their pants were on fire!
You'll meet kings and queens.  That person next to you who's competing for the beads thrown from parade floats may be a prince or a pauper.  And none of that will matter, because they all want to be your friends.  I know I've often sat down to drink with people I had never met before.
And since all of this happens right in downtown Natchez, you're always within a few steps of good food, refreshing drinks, shops full of goodies and a warm bed.
Want to find out about restaurants, hotels, bed and breakfasts, attractions, and shopping in Natchez?  Go to!

One word of warning:  save a little room in your luggage for all the pretty beads and trinkets you're gonna want to bring back with you.  And don't worry about wearing a smile.  We'll give you one when you get here - absolutely free!