Friday, March 6, 2009

From Social Media to Fart Molecules in One Easy Step

Like so many others, I've started working with Social Media to promote my business (website development) as well as Natchez. At first thinking I was wasting my time, I stuck to it. After all, lots of other people are having success. My patience is now being rewarded.
After putting up profiles on TripAdvisor, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others, I worked my way to Twitter. This one seemed like a gigantic waste of time, but so many people were touting the benefits I had to give it a try.
It works.
Suddenly, all these people were "following" me. Reading any and every little item I wrote (and you can't write much at a time like you can on a blog). It's amazing.
Plus, I'm learning things and seeing great articles written by or referred to by people in the know.
"francophile" let me know that Google is making changes to the way it grades your site and turned me on to an article called "15 Applications No Online Business Can Live Without.
"rhys_isterix" links an article about Social Media for Businesses.
Of course, you still have to watch out for what "problogger" calls a Social Media Sleestack - people who use social media for scamming, cheap self-promotion, and even bullying. (see the article on
Hey, I'm not above showing off every chance I get, but at the same time I'm meeting people who are experts at marketing, media, travel, and lots more.
Plus, it's fun. How else would I have found out that a Fart Molecule Could Be The Next Viagra?

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